With Covid being top of mind again this week 😞, many patients have been bringing up “the impact it’s having on their relationship. I think this article touches on a lot of those points and it’s worth a read. Take a look.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced our friends, families, and romantic partners to isolate and stay indoors, which has taken a toll on all of us. More specifically, recent news predicted a significant increase in divorce rates following the pandemic. However, preliminary data reported that divorces have gone DOWN since 2020! This begs the question, how has the global pandemic really affected couples’ relationships? A recent study conducted by Hannah Williamson sought out the answer to this very question. Results found a significant decrease in relationship satisfaction among couples with lower levels of coping and higher levels of conflict. Whereas, couples with higher levels of coping and lower levels of conflict reported a significant increase in relationship satisfaction. The pandemic certainly put our coping skills to the test and the results of this study show the ripple affect of how our respective strategies impact our relationships.

Click on the link below to access the full article written by Noam Shpancer to read more on the results of Hannah Williamson’s study.
